MS4BI Marker

MS4BI Marker


Some examples created with Ms4script (low-code)

Extract from online help: MarkerDown Syntax


H1 Title

H2 Title

H3 Title

H4 Title

H5 Title
H6 Title

H1 Title bold

H2 Title bold

H3 Title bold h4,h5,h6..

H1 Title bold + center

H2 Title bold + center

H6 Title bold + center h4,h5,h6..


Comments should be HTML compatible

		This is a comment

Colors String

/r Color red /b Color blue /y Color yellow /o Color orange /m Color MistyRose /g Color green /w Color white /k Color black

Emphasis : Bold, Italics, underline, strikethrough

  • ** bold
  • -- italics
  • __ underline
  • ~~ strikethrough


Sed saepe enim redeo ad Scipionem, cuius omnis sermo erat de amicitia querebatur ,
quod omnibus in rebus homines diligentiores essent;
capras et oves quot quisque haberet,
dicere posse, amicos quot haberet,
non posse dicere et
cin illis quidem parandis adhibere curam,

in amicis eligendis neglegentis

Link 1

link (Automatic title)

link ( specif title)


mailto :

Inline HTML

If you need a certain HTML tag (with a class) you can simply use HTML:

Paragraph in Markdown MS4 script.

<div class="class">

Paragraph in Markdown MS4 script.




<`` CODE ``>

basic MS4 script syntax : button : var (button) , icon : attribut : var (attribut) , var (icon) , text : (optional)var (text -optional-)
example :

< icon : (attribut :)

$fa_5x , $fa_address_book_o ,'adress' >


Donec massa lacus, ultricies

n, fermentum sed augue. Nunc augue augue, aliquam non hendrerit ac, commodo vel nisi.

Blockquotes 1


Donec massa lacus, ultricies a ullamcorper in, fermentum sed augue. Nunc augue augue, aliquam non hendrerit ac, commodo vel nisi.


Sed adipiscing elit vitae augue consectetur a gravida nunc vehicula. Donec auctor odio non est accumsan facilisis. Aliquam id turpis in dolor tincidunt mollis ac eu diam

Blockquotes 2

    <++ Lists Unordered ++>

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet
  • Nulla volutpat aliquam velit
    • Lists Unordered

    • Phasellus iaculis neque
    • Purus sodales ultricies
    • Vestibulum laoreet porttitor sem
    • Ac tristique libero volutpat at
  • Faucibus porta lacus fringilla vel
  • Aenean sit amet erat nunc
  • Eget porttitor lorem

    <!! Lists ordered !!>

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet
  5. Nulla volutpat aliquam velit
  6. Faucibus porta lacus fringilla vel
  7. Aenean sit amet erat nunc
  8. Eget porttitor lorem

Link 2



MgPlanete Icon

Responsive 1

Responsive 2

Responsive 1 : begin_div : table responsive

# Date Time Amount
3326 10/21/2013 3:29 PM $321.33
3325 10/21/2013 3:20 PM $234.34
3323 10/21/2013 3:00 PM $23.71
3322 10/21/2013 2:49 PM $8345.23
3321 10/21/2013 2:23 PM $245.12
3320 10/21/2013 2:15 PM $5663.54
3319 10/21/2013 2:13 PM $943.45

Responsive 2 : CSS : Begin_DIV : table 'style.css '

# Date Time Amount
3326 10/21/2013 3:29 PM $321.33
3325 10/21/2013 3:20 PM $234.34
3323 10/21/2013 3:00 PM $23.71
3322 10/21/2013 2:49 PM $8345.23
3321 10/21/2013 2:23 PM $245.12
3320 10/21/2013 2:15 PM $5663.54
3319 10/21/2013 2:13 PM $943.45

Source Code Ms4script -low code-

Select an example from the tree to display the code here.
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Mandragore Planete
Mandragore Planete
15 rue des Halles
75001 PARIS FR
T: (+33) 1 76 46 09 83
New branches opening soon in Bordeaux FRANCE, Montreal CANADA, San Francisco USA

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75008 PARIS FR
T: (+33) 1 44 95 11 47